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This test comprises of Verbal Aptitude,Numeric Aptitude & Logical Reasoning.

Candidate Name *

Position Applied *

1. Which group of letters is the odd one out?

2. Which two words are most opposite in meaning?

3. What numbers should replace the question marks. 100, 95, ?, 79, 68, ?, 40, 23

4. Fill in the missing number(s) indicated by the question mark(s) in each question.1, 1, 2, ?, 24, 120, 720

5. Which is greater, 5/8 of 112 or 7/8 of 88?

6. The call centre received its highest number of enquiries between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m., which was 40% more than the 250 enquiries it received between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. How many calls did the call centre receive between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m.?

7. If five men can build a house in 21 days, how long will it take seven men to build the house, assuming all men work at the same rate?

8. The speed of sound is approximately 740 m.p.h. A fire engine with its siren sounding is approaching you at 80 m.p.h. At what speed is the sound from the siren approaching you?

9. Start with a full cup of black coffee (no milk) and drink one-third of it. * Now pour into the cup an amount of milk equal to the coffee you have just drunk, and stir well. * Now drink a further half of the resultant mixture. * Now pour into the cup a further amount of milk equal to the mixture you have just drunk and stir well again. * Now drink one-sixth of the resultant mixture. * Now pour into the cup a further amount of milk equal to the mixture you have just drunk, stir well, and finally, drink the whole cup of liquid. Have you drunk more milk or more coffee in total?

10. You have five bags, each containing 10 balls. One bag contains red balls, one bag contains yellow, one bag contains green, one bag contains blue and one bag contains brown. * All of the balls in four of the bags weigh 20 grams and all the balls in one of the bags, you do not know which bag, weigh 18 grams, i.e. they are 2 grams less than the other balls. By using a single tray scale (and not a two-tray Libra-type scale), how can you find out in the minimum number of weighings which bag contains the lighter balls?